Encasing Structure's Content

This is a weekly blog that I have created with the sole purpose of creating a hand bound book once a month. I will be showing the entire process from start to finish. Although I would appreciate some mention of credit, please feel free to use and share any information found on this blog. The creative process rarely happens in a vacuum.

Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17, 2015 - Week 2, Origami Pocket Fold Wallet

Hi Everyone,

This post is a my version of the Origami Pocket Fold Wallet that I adapted from Alisa Golden's version in her book "Making Handmade Books".

My version is quite a bit smaller and more rectangular.  The finished version of my book is approximately 2 1/2" x 5 3/8".

Here's what you will need:  A thin sheet of paper 6" x 21", ruler, pencil, bone folder, knife, and
stylus (optional).

I chose to use Unryu paper.  It is very thin, 25 gsm, and as you might be able to see it is translucent.  It holds up well for folding and since there is a bit a layering with this fold, this paper doesn't add a lot of bulk with each fold.  It also is very forgiving.

Folding the Wallet

Start by folding the paper in half, hamburger style.

Unfold it and make a pencil line 1/4" from the center fold on both sides.

Fold each end inward to the new lines.  It will leave a 1/2" gap between the 2 halves.

Because there is a lot of folding and unfolding with this structure, make sure you run a bone folder over edges that get folded, so that it is easier to refold when called for.

Unfold.  You will now have 4 sections.

Now, make a pencil line 1" from the top of page.  It should go all the way across.  Score this line with a bone folder or stylus, but don't fold it down yet.

Instead, you are going to cut the left and right rectangles out, leaving just the two middle rectangles.

Then fold the bottom edge up to the 1" pencil mark.

Unfold again.

From there, you will want to make a mark 1 1/4" in, on both the top and bottom edges for the left and right sections.

Using your ruler as a guide, score a line from the corner of the middle section to the each of the
1 1/4" marks and then fold over.

This creates a triangle fold for the two end sections.

After you have both triangles fold, fold the entire section in.  It should look like this.

Flip the entire thing over, so that the folds are underneath.

Then fold the bottom edge up to the 1" pencil mark at the top.

And now fold the 1" top piece down, going over the bottom edge that you just folded up, and tuck it into the triangle folds.

Then fold the entire wallet in half.

And your done!

This wallet actually creates 6 pockets, 4 on the pages themselves and 2 interior pockets.

interior pocket

Now, because the paper I'm using is so thin, I don't think it will hold up very well to a sewn binding.  So,  I added a center strip of black linen tape to the middle of each of my wallets.

This will hopefully provide some stability to spine.

Next week, I will be binding the wallets together with a kettle stitch to make a signature block.

Until then,

Happy Book Binding!


Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015 - Week 1, Introduction

Hello Everyone,

I'm back from vacation and ready to start this month's book.

I recently had a friend give me some Saint of the Day cards.

So this month I thought I would tackle the problem of how to work them into a book.

Since they have the picture of the Saint on the front and a description of them on the back, I didn't want to just glue them onto a page.  So as I was looking for folder or pocket book forms, I came across the Origami Wallet in Alisa Golden's "Making Handmade Books".  I liked the fact that it has both pockets on the outside and a pocket in the middle of the signature.

Here is my sample of Alisa Golden's wallet as she has instructed in her book:

It is a bit to squarish for my needs so I had to rework into a smaller rectangular form:

As you can see, the Saint cards fit nicely, but I am concerned about the openness of the pockets, so I will need to address that issue for the final signature.

Since each signature has 4 pockets on the outside, I only need to create 12 signatures, one for each month.  I will also need to have a title page, possibly an index page and a back page as well.  I will be making a hard cover for this book.  And I'm planning to use the Secret Belgium Binding to connect the cover to the signatures.

It should be quite an exciting month.

Next week, I will give the instructions for creating my modified version of Alisa Golden's "Origami Wallet".

Until then,

Happy Book Binding!
