Well, I missed last week. Not because I wasn't working on the book, but because what I was doing took more time than I had originally thought it would. Such is the way of things though.
So I do believe this book will need to be a two month project.
I did want to share what I have done so far though. And it has mostly been the cutting to size of the paper and folding the concertina.
If you have trouble getting your concertinas and accordions to fold properly without being off, here's a quick tip to try.
When you begin to fold the paper into the sections, first make a very light score line where you want the fold to be:
don't score too heavily, otherwise the paper will automatically fold at that line. The light score mark helps the paper fold where you want it, but allows for adjustment to make sure the pages line up properly.
Then when you begin to fold the paper line up the edge of the paper with the paper underneath. See below:
Once you have everything lined up fold and press with a bonefolder.
After I had my paper folded into the concertinas, I then traced my template on to the paper.
Now, it's just a matter of cutting out all the shapes, which requires time, patience and a very sharp knife. Since the paper is much thicker than the template paper, it is taking much longer. I think in the end it will be worth it.
Here's what I have so far:
I'm going to continue working and will return next week with what was accomplished.
Until then,
Happy Book Binding!